Anadrol has many brand names, but people recognize it asOxymetholone, a potent anabolic steroid that has remained constant in
competitive bodybuilding. Some may consider this a substitute for Dianabol, yet
both have the same level of effectiveness. While Dianabol has ups and downs,
Oxydex stays mild even in higher doses. If you are new to this steroid, a few
things seem out of order, but that's fine because this guide will help you
determine the correct way of using Oxydex.
How Oxydex isformed, meaning its structure
It was commercialized during the same period whenDianabol was considered everyone's favorite steroid. It has managed to gain
some followers, but because of an FDA dispute, production of Anadrol was
stopped with uncertainty. Oxydex Anadrol hasmade a swift comeback in bodybuilding sports thanks to some pharmaceutical
companies, but its production has yet to be streaming in the USA.
How does this oralsteroid work
Because of its altered chemical structure, a couple ofthings about this steroid remain a mystery to most users. But it works just
like Dianabol in its oral state. For instance, red blood cell production
increases rapidly, aiding nitrogen retention simultaneously. Both of which
contribute to muscle tissue development and protein synthesis. Much like
Dianabol, Oxydex Anadrol is a solidchoice for bulking users who will feel more relieved knowing it does not have
estrogenic side effects, which are common in oral steroids.
Aside from making you stronger physically, it has fewpositive psychological effects. Sciroxx laboratories have stated that users of this substance may feel an urge to trainmore, implying improved cognitive and neuromotor functions. Users will likely
feel more positive, motivated, and clear of anxiety, depression, and all other
sorts of psychological problems.
How Oxydex shouldbe cycled
Before heading to the cycle section, you must understandthe correct doses to prevent overdosing. Beginners taking Oxydex Anadrol for
the first time should take 25 to 100 mg daily. Once you develop complete
tolerance, you can take higher doses, but that may still be too much for your
body to handle. An oral steroid of this magnitude surprises users by not
provoking liver functions. However, long-term use will inevitably cause acute
liver disorders and increase toxicity. Therefore, users should not take this
steroid for more than six weeks, or PCT will be necessary to remove
If you are using oral steroids such as Dianabol, then youalready know the importance of stacking. Stacking is also possible with Oxydex,
and for this, you need to add common stacking options, including Testosterone,
Trenbolone, deca-durabolin, and sometimes non-steroidal items like Clenbuterol.
PCT will be necessary if you are stacking other steroids, and you would need to
use something like Nolvadex, Clomid, and sometimes HGH.